Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hi :)
 Today at school we watched "Bowling for Columbine" ( about violence and guns and all this shit on the U.S.) and I get kinda sad because of all this violence in real life, and because we keep acting like it's totally normal. We should talk and think a lot more about it. People killing other people is not a natural thing, but the only way to stop it is talking.
Besides, there would be no reason to argue if we just respect each other. We would solve all our problems just talking <3
 And even if someone says something disrespectful, you don't need to argue. You don't need to be a bitch just because someone else is.
 By the way, it's a good movie, really interesting :B
This text was so big when I wrote it on my literature notebook, why do texts became so small when we type it?  :\
 I'll put a music video because I think it matches with the text :3

(Swedish House Mafia - Save The World)

 Bye :D

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