Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hej again
I told you I would post something again today mwahaha more celtic stuff:

 The Firbolg ('Men of Bags') people are known as the early gods of Ireland. They were the third wave of invaders to Ireland, and defeated the Fomorians. They had been under slavery and servitude in Greece and decided to leave and set sail for Ireland by way of Spain. In the past Ireland had been home to their ancestors the Nemedians.
 Five brothers, Slainge, Rudraige, Gann, Genann and Sengann set off at daybreak sailing westwards on a south-west wind. As they approached Ireland the wind rose up and separated them into three parts: The Fir Bolg, The Fir Domnann, and the Fir Gaileon. The first were named for the leather sacks they carried, the second for the pits that were left when they dug out the earth, and the third for the darts that were their weapons.
 They all eventually landed on Ireland at the same time, and sent messengers to each other to meet up in the center of Ireland at Tara. Then they all assembled there and decided to divide out the land equally between the five brothers into the provinces of Míde, Ulster, Leinster, Munster and Connaught.
 There they lived peacefully enough for many years until the coming of the Tuatha De Danann and the first Battle of Magh Tuiredh.

Now, really, that's it. I have to start writing the day before posting.
Hej då

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