Friday, July 29, 2011

Hello again o/
I'm at a friend's house watching "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" LOL so nostalgic *-* but the girl's parents called her so we paused the movie :S
I think J. K. Rowling should write 7 more books u.ú now my childhood is officially ended, I found out growing up is not so cool as I thought it would be >.<''
OMG I was looking the stats LOL I had views on the U.S. and Germany  *-*   

Ok, she's back
Bye :3


Hello people :) 
 I'm so happy because people actually read this blog...sometimes hahaha
That's right, I'll write about Enya now <3
She was born Eithne Ni Bhraonain in Co. Donegal, Ireland. and Enya, which is an approximate transliteration of her name.
 She studied music on college and was asked by Producer Nicky Ryan to join her siblings in their family band. After that she was signed up by Warner Music and all three by EMI Music Publishing. Her first album of this contract was "Watermark" with the single "Orinoco Flow".
 She also produced two songs ("Aniron" and "May it be") for "Lord of the Rings; the fellowship of the Ring".
Sources:  and (just the transliteration thing LOL)

That's is, for now. I can't write everyday because of school :(
But I'll write every time I can (is this sentence right? LOL)
Bye o/

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hi :)
 Today at school we watched "Bowling for Columbine" ( about violence and guns and all this shit on the U.S.) and I get kinda sad because of all this violence in real life, and because we keep acting like it's totally normal. We should talk and think a lot more about it. People killing other people is not a natural thing, but the only way to stop it is talking.
Besides, there would be no reason to argue if we just respect each other. We would solve all our problems just talking <3
 And even if someone says something disrespectful, you don't need to argue. You don't need to be a bitch just because someone else is.
 By the way, it's a good movie, really interesting :B
This text was so big when I wrote it on my literature notebook, why do texts became so small when we type it?  :\
 I'll put a music video because I think it matches with the text :3

(Swedish House Mafia - Save The World)

 Bye :D

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


 I was searching for flags and then I found this wonderful website with lots of flags and a little text about each one *-*
 It includes flags of countries, international organizations, political movements, etc. It's really cool if you like history, geography and politics. 
 I'll start writing real texts tomorrow, I think. I hope. XD
That's it.
Bye :)

Amy Winehouse

Everyone is talking about Amy's death and shit, so I though I should say something.
I think it's sad. It's really sad. 
I don't know a lot about her, I wasn't a fan. And I'm still not being a fan, I think it's kinda.... disrespectful when people suddenly become a fan just because the person is dead. Just like happened when Michael Jackson died.
But it's not shocking. People shouldn't say they're shocked.Really.
But it's really sad, by the way.
We lost an amazing voice.
R.I.P. Amy Winehouse

Crystalline Video - Björk

So, this is Björk's new video, directed by Michel Gondry, a french film-maker who won the Oscar in 2005. This song is from her new album, called Biophilia.
I loved the song and the video is really interesting, I really like all the visual stuff :)
More posts about music coming soon, I hope you like it :D

Monday, July 25, 2011

My cousin asked me to post this video.
Actually, he asked a long time ago LOL here it goes :3
I'm completely on the mood to write.
I don't know what to write.
Right, so I'll explain what I'll do here (fucking random, I know)
I'll be writing a text to post here, I'll try to post something everyday. About random stuff, if you have suggestions  you can write it on the comments ;P
Tell me if I write something wrong as well, please o.O
 Hello people (if there's someone reading this ^^)
I don't know what to say, but I want to say something about the massacre in Norway, but I'm not good with all the "comforting-people-stuff"  :S
I saw it on TV and I was like "WHAAAAAAAT?" I'm so sad this kind of thing happen, for real, what's wrong with people? ToT  Why can't we just be happy and let other people be happy too?
 Well, I think that's it, I can't say more without it sounding dramatic and stuff :/