Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hej again :)
More myths \o/ 
....I should write more stuff here, but I don't know what to write LOL, screw this.

Ceuci is the protector of crops and indigenous housing. She was compared by the Catholic colonizers to the Virgin Mary, for having given birth miraculously: his son, Jurupari - spirit guide and guardian, was born the fruit of cucura-purumã (tree that represents good and evil in Tupi mythology)

In a time of great famine, two warriors were looking for something to eat when they encountered a Nhandeiara (the great spirit) sent. This told them that the solution to your search would be a death struggle between the two. The loser would be buried where he fall and his body just a plant would sprout, and its  seeds would resolve the problem with food forever. So they did. Avati, one of two, was killed and his grave was born in the corn plant.

I just find out my neighbor is making cookies. Gotta go there. º3º
Hej då

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