Thursday, November 01, 2012


How are you guys? This week I had my last test at school. Woah, this sounds so weird. There are gonna have more tests to enter college and then I'm done. (yeah, we have tests to go into college. you know, to see if we are intelligent enough or something like that. and it's a fucking big test, like, 70 questions, depending on the university. i think i'm going to write a whole post about it when it's over). Oh well, here's one more Brazilian legend for you guys:

 The legend of the boto cor-de rosa (it's a dolphin, basically) has its origin in the Amazon region (northern Brazil). It is still very popular in the region and is part of Brazilian folklore. According to legend, a dolphin colored pink leaves of the rivers on the nights of June Festival. With a special power, can turn into a beautiful young man dressed in white clothes social. He wears a white hat to cover his face and hide the big nose. With his flirtatious and talkative, the dolphin approaches of unaccompanied girls, seducing them. Soon after, convinces women for a ride on the river bottom, where usually impregnate them. The next morning back to become the boto.
  In popular culture, this legend was used to justify the occurrence of a pregnancy outside of marriage.
  Still nowadays, especially in the Amazon region, it is said that a child is the son of boto, when no one knows who the father is.
Source: in Portuguese

This is a boto, btw. It's like a dolphin that lives in rivers.
That's it.
See you
Hej då

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