Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hi ^^
 So, last Sunday I went to the mall with some friends and bought a CD (I won't buy anything fir a while @.@) aaand this CD was Liebe Ist Für Alle Da (Rammstein), so I'll listen to Rammstein for  the next 2 or 3 months :B

Du Hast


Ich Tu Dir Weh

That's it :3
Part 2 coming soon
Another appreciation posts coming soon as well XD 
My friend moved to North Carolina today so I'm on the mood to write some serious/depressive texts :\  Or another appreciation post about Sweden, with a cute text or something <3
 Bye ^^

Monday, August 29, 2011


Another appreciation post LOL 
Physics and Biology tests this week. I won't use this, but it's better than maths, I guess. Biology is reaaly interesting, but I just like physics when I don't have to do anything XD
BTW, I just HAVE to go to Iceland *-* 






That's it ^^
 Bye :B
Have a nice week 

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Hello people :3
 I said I wanted to make an appreciation post about Germany, so, here we go \o/



East Germany flag




Images from Google Images haha
 BTW, I found this site with pics of a lot of countries *-* 
The next appreciation post probably will be about Iceland or Russia, what do you think?
 Have a nice weekend :B

Friday, August 26, 2011

 Hello :B.

 So, I decided to write about german mythology during my spanish class today (?) and I just found this story about the Lorelei, a beautiful young maiden who spent all the sunny days sitting upon a rock above the rugged terrain of the water below. And then she sang and combed her hair.
 Mesmerized by her beautiful song and entranced by the glimmer of her hair, boatmen below ran their ships along the rocks beneath the surface of the deep water sending themselves, their crew and their vessels to despair or worse, an untimely demise.

Some people say the Lorelei was an innocent maiden, others have suggested that she was a spirit born of tragedy, who had jumped to her death because of her lover's unfaithfulness and returned to torture men's souls forever. Other stories of the Lorelei claim she was a mermaid enjoying the frolic of men's attention and seemingly unaware of their pain.
The legend of the Lorelei, or Loreley as it is also known, has prevailed in Germany for centuries. The story was first popularized by Clemens Brentano around the year 1800, but the poem Die Lorelei, written by Heinrich Heine in 1838, captured the essence of the legend. By the mid twentieth century, the folk story was so popular that while other writings by Heine were burned or ban by Germany's Nazi leaders, the tale of the Lorelei remained.

It's unknown exactly how the name Lorelei became associated with these tales. It's certain that the second part of the name, "ley" means slate rock and has it's origins in old Celtic use, the exact meaning of the first part of the word is disputed. Some linguists believe it is related to an old Middle High German word that means "to attract", while others believe it may be connected with the notion of lurking or even murmuring. While the etymology of the name may be unclear, the mention of it always evokes the notion of a maiden's charm.
Probably the blinding gleam seen by sailors below was merely a reflection of sunlight off the high rocks of the cliffs above the city of St. Goarhausen. The sailor's sun blindness in conjunction with the extreme narrowness of the river passageway plus the unusual depth and undercurrents of the water at that particular point form the reality behind this German legend.
Lorelei ca.1872 Ferdinand Marternsteig St. Goarshausen, Germany
 Text here: 
Image here: 
 That's it :B
I'll search more legends *u* and publish more appreciation posts LOL
 Have a good weekend ^^
Bye o/

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hey :3
~le cool video before a big post~
I didn't write yet, but I'm working on it ^///^

Monday, August 22, 2011


I couldn't write yet, I have a chemistry test and I was making a gift to a friend of mine because he's moving to the US. Aaaaand...he's swedish. So, yeah... XD





Ok, that's it. I'll study now...
I'll post something on wednesday....probably about Sweden again, my creativity went away :/

(~le random comment~ 
hey people, read this >> nationalgeographic-drug-virus it's not about Sweden LOL I just saw this on facebook, it's really interesting) 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I couldn't write a real text again, so I'm posting a video :/ 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I can't spend a whole week without writing here XD
 At the momento, I'm watching supernatural and creating a character. I'm always creating characters LOL I'm writing a book by myself and another one with a friend :3
 This guy will be polish and will look kinda like Piotr Adamski (a polish model)
 Well, I don't have anything pointful to write :/ 
 I'll just post a cool video so...

That's it ^^
Be happy o/

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Thoughts [2]

Hello :)
 What's up?
 I've had a good day, there's some cool people at school, but this year is crappy ¬¬ I'm feeling spiritually disconnected :(
 Well *suddenly changes subject* I'm reading 1984, by George Orwell, because of a school project and, really, it's the best book they ever asked us to read *u* If you haven't read yet:  it's about a guy called Winston Smith who lives in a world where they can't think by themselves , and the "Big Brother" is always watching and controlling them. When they do something "wrong", the person vanishes and they destroy every single proof of their existence. They change newspapers, books and stuff to make history and culture propitious, and Winston is against all this shit. But I just read until this part so I can't tell you more LOL btw, it's a really good book, you should read it :3
It made me think a lot about our society, because it's kinda like that, after all. They hide things from us to make truth convenient  and tell us to be ourselves, and then they judge us. And we judge as well. We were, like, "made" t be judged and to judge people. An sit end up on turning us into a lot of unhappy people, because we're "weird". We're not perfect, but no one is. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough. Remember: you can do whatever the fuck you want to. 
 I'm seriously trying to stop judging, I feel awful when I judge people.  :(
 And talking about the book again, all the "change-facts" thing made me sad too. I love history, it's so important to construct our future, if we don't learn from our mistakes we'll make them all again.

(I don't own this pic. I just found it on google.)
 Bye o/

Monday, August 08, 2011

Hello people :3
I'm supposed to be studying now, but keeping this is so important for me, so I'm here just to say that I'm sorry (again) for not writing here. I'll have to write just once a week for now on ToT   
 I'll make an "Alice in Wonderland" spam post today, right? I'm so worried about the math test and one of my best friends is moving :S

Avril Lavigne (alice)

Kerli (tea party)

Tokio Hotel ft. Kerli (strange)

 By the way, it's kinda difficult to write for people that I don't know, tell me something about you :)  like, what kind of music you like, which kind of text you would like to read here, or whatever.

I love you guys, I would write everyday if I could <3

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Hello people 
 I should be studying physics, as I did the whole day -.-
I promise I'll write something THIS week. 
OMG I hate it, I won't even use all this shit ¬¬
There's an amazing gif for you guys (click the image) :
Bye :(

Monday, August 01, 2011

Hey people, I'm sorry for not posting everyday :(  as I said before, it's because of school
 And I don't know what to write, so much numbers in my head right now @-@
I'll just put some music videos for now, and tomorrow I'll write something :S

(Tea Party - Kerli) Kerli is a Estonian singer who lives on the U.S. and she made this song for the Almost Alice soundtrack :3 she's my idol :D

(Army of Love - Kerli) this is Kerli's most recent music video :3

(Skyscraper - Demi Lovato) I usually don't like all the Disney stuff. But I like Demi, as a person :) 
Initially, this song was wrote by Kerli for her own album, and she gave it to Demi.  

Kerli's website, twitter and myspace:

Demi's twitter and myspace:

I swear I'll write something tomorrow :3