Thursday, May 17, 2012


 Today I was watching some videos on a Brazilian blog and this video is like WOW:

The original link is here, I hope you like it :)

BTW, I'm reading Assassin's Creed, and I think you should read it. ◕‿◕
And I'm also reading another book but I won't tell you guys it's title because I want to write about it when I finish.
 That's it, now let's read some news, stalk someone and then study like there's no tomorrow \o/
Hej då

Tuesday, May 08, 2012



Today I'm going to write about anime again because I recently watched a really good one. BUT it's really violent and there's nudity, like, boobs everywhere (even if I don't see that nudity like "porn". More like art or something like that) (just warning you).
 Elfen Lied is an anime about  Diclonius, which are a species of evolved humans with two cat-ear like horns and vectors, transparent arms that have the power to manipulate and cut objects within their reach. They're being held in a facility off the coast of Kamakura in Kanagawa, near Yokohama, by a scientist called Kurama. The first of the Diclonius race, a teenage girl named by the staff as "Lucy," escapes, using her vectors to deflect gunfire and effortlessly kill security guards. As she makes her way out of the facility, a sniper shoots her, breaking her metal helmet and she falls into the sea. The next morning, a guy called Kohta is moving to Kamakura to study in a university where he is reunited with his cousin Yuka. They find Lucy on a beach in the area, naked with her head bleeding from the bullet wound and only capable of saying the word "Nyu." Kohta and Yuka decide to take her with them, naming her "Nyu". After that, another Diclonius named Nana and a Special Assault Team task force, led by the violent soldier Bando, are sent to hunt down Lucy. However, Lucy and her cold characteristics have not yet faded away; whenever she hits her head or is confronted with violence, she reverts to her sadistic side and makes transitions between her two personalities throughout the series, the first of which is seen against Bando, who has his eyes poked out, and Nana, who has all her limbs ripped off by Lucy's vectors. Eventually, Kurama decides to repair the bodies of Bando and Nana and send Nana back to Kamakura, contrary to his orders to put her down. Nana and Mayu, a 14-year-old runaway youth who witnessed the confrontation between Bando and Lucy, both end up living in Kohta's household.
 Hej då

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


 I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to show you this GIF.

She is beautiful and this deserve to be shared. That's what I wanted to say.
 Hej då