Tuesday, November 13, 2012

why I'm not posting so much recently...

Hej guys
I didn't post about culture and mythology last week because I forgot. I'm really sorry. I had another big test, but it don't have anything to do with this, I guess. Or maybe I'm going crazy because of all this pressure and some other things. Do you understand why I need another person to use this blog? haha
No, seriously. I feel like there's a monster inside me and this motherfucker reminds me of its existence all the time. Have you ever feel like you have a monster inside you or something? If yes, tell me what you did about it. If you're feeling like it right now, let's talk about it and try to solve it together ヽ(•u•)ノ  
BTW, I promise I'll write normally this week (and probably write post for the next week too). I just wanted you guys to know why I'm so distracted these days. 
And now I think I should play some flute because I have lessons tomorrow and yeah
Hej då

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