Monday, August 08, 2011

Hello people :3
I'm supposed to be studying now, but keeping this is so important for me, so I'm here just to say that I'm sorry (again) for not writing here. I'll have to write just once a week for now on ToT   
 I'll make an "Alice in Wonderland" spam post today, right? I'm so worried about the math test and one of my best friends is moving :S

Avril Lavigne (alice)

Kerli (tea party)

Tokio Hotel ft. Kerli (strange)

 By the way, it's kinda difficult to write for people that I don't know, tell me something about you :)  like, what kind of music you like, which kind of text you would like to read here, or whatever.

I love you guys, I would write everyday if I could <3

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