Monday, August 01, 2011

Hey people, I'm sorry for not posting everyday :(  as I said before, it's because of school
 And I don't know what to write, so much numbers in my head right now @-@
I'll just put some music videos for now, and tomorrow I'll write something :S

(Tea Party - Kerli) Kerli is a Estonian singer who lives on the U.S. and she made this song for the Almost Alice soundtrack :3 she's my idol :D

(Army of Love - Kerli) this is Kerli's most recent music video :3

(Skyscraper - Demi Lovato) I usually don't like all the Disney stuff. But I like Demi, as a person :) 
Initially, this song was wrote by Kerli for her own album, and she gave it to Demi.  

Kerli's website, twitter and myspace:

Demi's twitter and myspace:

I swear I'll write something tomorrow :3

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