Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Thoughts [2]

Hello :)
 What's up?
 I've had a good day, there's some cool people at school, but this year is crappy ¬¬ I'm feeling spiritually disconnected :(
 Well *suddenly changes subject* I'm reading 1984, by George Orwell, because of a school project and, really, it's the best book they ever asked us to read *u* If you haven't read yet:  it's about a guy called Winston Smith who lives in a world where they can't think by themselves , and the "Big Brother" is always watching and controlling them. When they do something "wrong", the person vanishes and they destroy every single proof of their existence. They change newspapers, books and stuff to make history and culture propitious, and Winston is against all this shit. But I just read until this part so I can't tell you more LOL btw, it's a really good book, you should read it :3
It made me think a lot about our society, because it's kinda like that, after all. They hide things from us to make truth convenient  and tell us to be ourselves, and then they judge us. And we judge as well. We were, like, "made" t be judged and to judge people. An sit end up on turning us into a lot of unhappy people, because we're "weird". We're not perfect, but no one is. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough. Remember: you can do whatever the fuck you want to. 
 I'm seriously trying to stop judging, I feel awful when I judge people.  :(
 And talking about the book again, all the "change-facts" thing made me sad too. I love history, it's so important to construct our future, if we don't learn from our mistakes we'll make them all again.

(I don't own this pic. I just found it on google.)
 Bye o/

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