Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thoughts [3]

Hello :B
So, after a loong time,another text  ◕‿‿◕ 
 How are you guys? I'm fucked at school --' It's so frustrating because I have to study a lot of things I won't even use. I know all this math/physics/chemistry stuff IS important, and I really think it's interesting, but not being good at it doesn't mean you can't be good at anything.  Really, do I need to solve this:
J+5 = (A + 5)/2
To write about history and mythology??
 And I have this math teacher who's always saying stuff like "a normal person can do this in 15 seconds". Great, so there's about 5 normal people on my grade. I have this super-smart friends and he spend a lot of time just saying that "if they can, we can", and even they think this is ridiculous, different people have different abilities, and they shouldn't compare us. Specially a teacher. u.ú
 Actually, there are some other teachers who like to told us how their subject is easy, but THIS one pisses me off. Last monday he was explaining something about probability and no one understood. I was just sitting there like "see, I'm not the only weird kid here".
 Changing the subject, last week my biology teacher said something about some people who were found doing drugs, drinking and having sex at the cemetery. A cemetery! Really, WTF? People can't respect anyone? Not even the dead? This is ridiculous, what's wrong with the world?
 Respect is the only thing that can change the world, and people are doing it wrong. u.ú sometimes we say bad things, always, but we can be better. Actually, I say shitty stuff all the time, but I'm trying to be a better person, and we all can do this. If we try our hardest, we can change everything *-*
 Think about it.
That's it, by now ✿◠‿◠

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