Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hi o/
 Another awesome japanese band <3
Versailles was formed in 2007 by Kamijo (ex-Lareine), Hizaki (ex- Sulfuric Acid) and Jasmine You (ex- Jakura). Then, Teru (ex- Aikaryu) and Yuki (ex-Suar Trip) joined the band, but the concept was created in 2006 by Kamijo and Hizaki. Before that, Hizaki, Teru and Jasmine played together on HIZAKI grace project. Their frst album was "The Revenant Choir", in 2007, ad, after that, "Noble", in 2008, when they did their first appearances on Europe and on the USA.
 Versailles' japanese record label announced that they've received a notice of an american musician already using this name, so they asked the fans for ideas and, on september, they changed the name of the band (only on the US) to "Versailles - Philharmonic Quintet-". The first song after that was "Prince".In 2009, they released their major debut single: Ascendead Master. On August 3, it was announced that Jasmine would temporarily suspend all musical activities due to unknown circumstances regarding his health and to recover and, on August 9, it was reported on their official site that Jasmine had died. (I cried a lot when I found out). On January 4, Versailles held the "Jasmine You -Memorial Ceremony-" at Shibuya O-East, where themselves, Kaya and Matenrou Opera performed. Their major debut album entitled, Jubilee, was released on January 20, 2010.They also announced a world tour entitled "Methods of Inheritance", which started on February 28, 2010 in Yokohama. Their support bassist for the tour was Masashi, a member of Cosmo and Közi's live band. They went to Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Finland, England, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Hungary. On the last concert, they announced that Masashi officially joined the band as their new bassist, with Jasmine You being cited as an "eternal member".

In January 2011, Versailles started starring in their own TV mini drama called Onegai Kanaete Versailles (おねがいかなえてヴェルサイユ, "Fulfill My Wish Versailles"). The theme song for the show was Versailles' single "Philia", which was released on March 15. Furthermore Versailles went on to release their second major studio album, entitled Holy Grail. At the moment, they're having their second World tour. They already went to Taiwan and China and they're going to Russia, England, Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland, Germany, France, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.

 That's it, I hope you like it ♪
I've got anther headache. Shit. Whatever, I'll turn off the computer.
Take care, and don't keep listening to metal after realizing the music's too loud ;P
Bye o/

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