Saturday, June 02, 2012


Hej guys 
 I just realized I didn't write about Brazilian stuff here. Not even a singe time. Ouch. 
Today I had a party/festival at school and I had a really good time so I'm going t talk about that. The name of the festival is Festa Junina (June Festival) or Festa de São João  for their part in celebrating the nativity of St. John the Baptist. There's lots of typical foods and dances and all and we wear typical (?)* clothes.
 The fact is: we have so much fun there. A friend of mine recorded the dancing thing, I'll ask her to send me the video so I can post it here, because I just have some pictures. :)

 This is Mary 〷◠‿◠〷 (and some other people, obviously) We were in the classroom at that time (yeah, we had lessons today)

 Mary, Victor, Vinícius, @ZombieBride_ and @Kellimy:B

Kellimy drew Tony Stark's beard on @YukitosSan LOL

 Vick, Kellimy, Mary and @janahpereira

 Kellimy LOL

Kellimy, Vick, Moacir (our Math teacher LOL), me and Mary

That's it. I'll post the video soon (I hope).
Hej då

*I don't think people really dressed like that, mostly because of the colors of the clothes. They just don't look like something that someone would wear to work.

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