Thursday, June 07, 2012


I just remembered a cute native legend. I wish more people know this. Seems that the majority of Brazilians aren't proud of their culture :(
A looong time ago, there was a tribe of natives living next to a river. In this tribe, there was a couple: Itagibá and Potira. Itagibá, which means strong arm, was a warrior and Potira, which means flower, was a young and beautiful Indian woman. One day they started a war with another tribe and Itagibá had to fight. Potira waited a long time beside the river. One day, she was informed that her husband died in the war. By having this news, Potira lost his temper he had held so far and spent the rest of his life crying incessantly. His tears mixed with the white sands of the river. Her immense pain impressed Tupã, the king of the gods, who turned Potira's tears into diamonds, to perpetuate the memory of her great love. 
 I didn't find good images about ths legend, so I' just putting a picture of a Indian girl ^-^

That's it :)
YAY today I finished reading Hunger Games and studied Swedish, Norwegian and Italian *u*
A friend of mine just turned 17 and she wants to watch The Avengers again LOL obviously I'm going with her. Tomorrow will be a good day, I think :)
Hej då

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