Thursday, June 28, 2012


More Brazilian stuff, YAY
 Amerindian myth (American Indian), from the Tupi-Guarani group. Tupã was the character of the thunder, the storms, the flames and rays, called "the Spirit of Thunder." Tupã is the creator of heaven, earth and seas, as well as from animals and plants. In addition to teaching men agriculture, crafts and hunting, he gave the shamans the knowledge of medicinal plants and ritual magic cures. In the Tupi-Guarani mythology, however, he was a second-order character. The catecúmenos (those preparing to receive baptism; new Christians) began to value it as an entity similar to God. It is essential therefore to distinguish the Amerindian myth, where Tupã is just a demon that produces rain, lightning and storms, and a civilizing mission among men, and the myth of Tupã-syncretic God.

That's it
See you
Hej då

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