Thursday, June 14, 2012


More Brazilian stuff today (YAY), and it means, basically, something they tell us when we're 5 years old and we forgot because we never hear about it again.
The origin of this legend is unknown, but quite evident throughout Brazil, but some researchers say that it's part of the culture of the population living on the domain of the Catholic Church.
The mule is literally a headless mule, which releases flames by the neck, where his head should be. Has in his hooves, horseshoes that are silver or steel and have brown or black.
 According to legend, any woman who fell in love with a priest would be transformed into a monster. Thus, women should see the priests as a sort of "saint" and not as a man, if they thought about sins with the priest, they would eventually turning into a headless mule and the spell can only be broken if someone takes the bit of iron that the headless mule loads, so a woman will appear repentant for their "sins."

That's it. I hope you like it :)
Hej då

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