Friday, December 30, 2011


Hey guys how are you?
 I'm on the beach, but I found somewhere with computers and Internet LOL and I NEED to talk about music since people here usually listen to this

Before I came I was reading some interviews ( this one and this one, actually) and that's it. I thought it would be a good thing to post since I hardly ever read/watch interviews ^.^"
 But that's it, basically.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Hey guys :)
 I'm going to the beach already, but I wanted to post something before, and a friend of mine shared this video on Facebook:

That's it.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Hey guys 〤◕‿◕〤
What about a post about the history of Christmas? \o/

 Christmas, as we know it today, is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and the word “Christmas” means “Mass Of Christ”. However, the celebration  began way before the birth of Christ. Exchanging gifts, decorating trees, and the burning of the Yule log were all winter traditions that began before Christ was born, but were eventually incorporated into the holiday that became known as Christmas.
 Over 4000 years ago, the Mesopotamians celebrated each new year with a 12-day festival, called Zagmuth. The Mesopotamians, who believed in many gods, held this festival in support of their chief god, Marduk, because they believed that he battled the monsters of chaos at the beginning of each winter. It is from this festival that the 12 days of Christmas is believed to have originated.
 The ancient Romans held a celebration each year in honor of their god Saturn. The festival, which they called Saturnalia, began in the middle of December and lasted until the first of January. The Romans decorated their homes with garlands, as well as trees upon which they hung candles. During the festival the citizens of Rome would visit each other’s homes and hold great feasts. One of the theories of how the tradition of the giving of Christmas gifts came about was from the Roman practice of exchanging gifts between family and neighbors during the festival of Saturnalia to promote good luck.
 During the winter in ancient Scandinavia there would be a certain amount of days where the sun would not shine. Upon the return of the first sunlight, the Scandinavians would hold a festival called the Yuletide. A Yule log would be burned in a special fire, and everyone would gather around the fire and hold a great feast. To remind themselves that the spring and summer would surely return again, people in some areas of Scandinavia would tie apples to tree branches. The tradition of the Christmas tree is believed to have evolved from this ritual, as well as from the Roman ritual of decorating trees with candles during the festival of Saturnalia. Some believe that the tradition of singing carols began when people in Scandinavia would sing celebration songs on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, which happened around December 22nd.
 One theory about the evolution of the winter celebrations to the celebration of the birth of Jesus is that the Roman emperor Constantine, who converted to Christianity, wanted to incorporate the pagan winter rituals together with the celebration of Jesus’ birth. In this way, Constantine hoped to help both pagans and Christians celebrate together. Many believe that this is the reason for celebrating the birth of Christ on December 25th. It is widely believed today that Jesus was not actually born on, or even close to, December 25th. Eventually, the Roman church became almost completely successful in making the December celebration only about the birth of Christ, replacing any celebrations that were in honor of pagan gods.
 Though the celebration of Christmas is basically based on the same belief today, it is not celebrated in exactly the same way in every country. In Great Britain, one tradition they observe during the Christmas season is “Boxing Day”. On Boxing Day, the boxes containing alms for the poor are opened at every church and the alms are distributed to the poor. An alternate theory to the origin of carols is that they originated in Great Britain and not Scandinavia. Whether or not this is true, many of the Christmas songs that we sing and Christmas music that we hear today were written in 19th century England.
 Christians in China celebrate Christmas by decorating their homes and trees with paper lanterns, paper flowers, and paper chains. Christians in Iran refrain from eating any animal products from December 1st until after Christmas church services on December 25th, after which they have a traditional feast of chicken stew. In Venezuela, Christians attend daily morning church services between December 16th and December 24th. In the capital city of Caracas, it is customary to roller skate to these services. People in Northern Brazil celebrate Christmas with a traditional play called “Los Pastores”, or “The Shepherds”. In the Brazilian version of this play, the shepherds are always women, and there is a scene where a gypsy attempts to kidnap the Christ child.
It is believed that British painter John Callcott Horsley designed the first Christmas card in 1843. Horsley designed the card for his friend Sir Henry Cole, who was the first director of the Victoria and Albert museum. The card showed a family celebrating Christmas, and read “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You”. The tradition caught on quickly in England, and it was not long before the first Christmas cards began showing up in the United States and other countries as well.
One cannot talk about the history of Christmas without mentioning Santa Claus. Bishop Nicholas of Smyrna, who lived in the 4th century A.D. in what is known today as Turkey, was a very wealthy and generous man, who especially loved children. He was known to throw gifts into the houses of poor children in order to brighten their spirits. He was later titled Saint Nicholas, and became the patron saint of children and seafarers. From his story evolved the legend of Santa Claus – the jolly man who brings gifts to children all over the world on Christmas Eve. In England he came to be known as Father Christmas, in China he is known as Dun Che Lao Ren, which means “Christmas Old Man”. Many believe that the giving of gifts originates from the deeds of Bishop Nicholas, and not the Roman tradition of giving gifts during the festival of Saturnalia. More likely, the tradition evolved from both practices.

I don't know if I'll write something more until Christmas, I'll try to. 
BTW I'm going to travel just after the Christmas, to a city without Internet access, and I don't know when I'm coming back, since my mom really loves beaches and stuff. That's it.


Aaand, yesterday Yohio and Seike (from Seremedy) made a live chat *u*  My mom was like "who the fuck are they" LOL They're really lovely ✿◠‿◠

Well, that's right

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hey guys :)
 I saw this on Tumblr (again) and I feel like posting. If you're from the USA, sorry, but I HAD to post, really.
That's it,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


 I just saw this amazing post on Tumblr and I think you should see that too: 

Bye :)


Hey ✿◠‿◠
 Can you please follow a friend of mine on Tumblr and Twitter? He's awesome and he's feeling forever alone. And he helped me a lot with all that bad grades thing. :) He tweets a lot in Portuguese but he speaks English too.
That's it.
Bye :)


Hey guys :)
 Does someone remember that post about SfaR band? They just released a new PV.

Today that's it. My dig is sick and my cousin is here, so

Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Hey :)
How are you? Yesterday I spent the hole day cleaning the house up. And listening to music. I can't just clean things up without music. But no one cares, so...

Adagio is a French progressive metal band formed in 2001 by guitarist Stephan Forté. Adagio's music is known by its technical precision and dark orchestration. Since their third studio album Dominate, Adagio has evolved their sound, but still adhering to their trademark elements of virtuosity and massive orchestral influences. However with Dominate, they implemented a heavier sound with traditional death grunts. Archangels in Black was the band's fourth album. The band has stated that the "compositions are the ultimate between melodic and extreme metal, and can be considered as a more brutal version of their second album Underworld. With the help of Patrick Roy, French deputee working in the National Assembly of France, members of Adagio has collaborated with French music director Jean-Claude Casadesus from the Lille National Orchestra. The musical idea behind this collaboration between Adagio and the Lille National Orchestra is to record an album together, perform a live show, and record and release a subsequent live album. The project is planned for a 2013 release.

Current members
Vocals: Kelly Sundown Carpenter (2011–present)
Guitars Piano: Stephan Forté (2000–present)
Bass: Franck Hermanny (2000–present)
Keyboards: Kevin Codfert (2003–present)
Drums: Eric Lébailly (2004–present)

Studio albums
Sanctus Ignis - (2001)
Underworld - (2003)
Dominate - (2005)
Archangels in Black - (2009)

Live albums
A Band in Upperworld - (2004)

(information from Wikipedia)


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hey guys :)
Today I'll write about one of the books I bought last month ^-^ 

 Box 21 is a crime fiction that tells two stories: two Lithuanian women, Lydia Grajaukas and Alena Sljusareva, who went to Sweden looking for a better life and ended up as prostitutes, and Lydia makes a plan to end this.  At the same time, Detective Ewert Grens is trying to get his revenge against a gangster he really hates.
 When Lydia is injured by whipping because he didn't want to do that anymore (she never wanted, but whatever, you get it) and goes to the hospital,  Grens is there investigating and the two stories intertwine and they're WAY more related than I thought it would be.
I picked the covers here.


That's it, I think we should all go read or something ;P

Friday, December 16, 2011


Hay :)
 How are you guys? I was thinking about what to post and I thought...Why the hell didn't I post about my favorite book ever here? o.O
 The book is called "Last Rituals" ( Portuguese: O Último Ritual ;  Icelandic: Þriðja táknið ) and it was written by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir and tells the story of a German student ( Harald ) who's in Iceland 
researching into witchcraft and stuff for his MA at the University of Iceland because there, unlike Germany, most of the witches were men. Well, actually, he's murdered and the story is all about that XD the police arrested one of Harald's friends, but his parents ( Harald's) think he's not the murderer and they talk to that Icelan
dic lawyer called Thóra Gudmundsdóttir, and ask her to find out what happened. She accepts ( even because she needs the money to live with her 16 year old son and her 6 year old daugher - she's divorced ) and them she starts working with Matthew Reich, who works to Harald's family. And then they investigate and all and discover a lot of things about Harald's past and his family and all the stuff and, obviously, they found out who killed him. And there's also Thóra's family life and stuff. Because of this book I decided to learn Icelandic. LOL

Well, that's it. I hope you read this book. Really. :)
If yo want more information, here's a review and price, book description, etc..
Bye guys

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Hi ヾ(* ∀ *)ノ
 How are you? Yesterday I was searching for something to listen to since I wasn't on the mood to listen to anything and I found this song: 

And now I'm freaking addicted and I'll write about them :3

Megaherz is an industrial metal group from Munich. The band was formed in 1993 and one of the band's most famous songs is "Gott sein" ("To be God") on their firstl album "Wer Bist Du?". They changed their musical style many times since their founding. Their early works are a fairly dark alternative metal, comparable to 1990s American bands such as Faith No More, whereas recent works are comparable to bands such as Oomph! and Rammstein. Their early albums all include at least one song based on classic German fairy tales, like "Rapunzel" on Kopfschuss, "Windkind" ("Wind child") on Himmelfahrt and "I.M Rumpelstilzschen" on Herzwerk II.
Info from Wikipedia.

Official website: in German ; in English

I hope you like it :)
Ouch, I have a math test tomorrow and I really need good grades, but I don't want to study at all :S well, let 's go...
Bye guys.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Hello again :)
 I saw this video and, since it's from Kerli,  I HAD to watch it XD and it's one of the most amazing videos I've ever seen, really.

That's it.
Bye ^-^



Hey :)
 Sorry, I've been busy :S
But whatever, I remembered this movie and I think it's a good idea to make a post abou it:

Spirited Away (千と千尋の神隠し Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi ) is a 2001 Japanese animated fantasy-adventure film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The film tells the story of Chihiro Ogino, a sullen ten-year-old girl who, while moving to a new neighborhood and she and her parents become lost and find what appears to be an abandoned amusement park. Chihiro's father insists on exploring it, and she and her mother reluctantly accompany him. Chihiro's parents sample the food at an unattended stall.Chihiro wanders off and finds a grand bathhouse, a boy approaches and warns her to leave before nightfall. When Chihiro runs back to her parents, she finds they have been transformed into pigs, and the park starts to swarm with monsters. Chihiro takes a job working at the bathhouse to find a way to free herself and her parents and escape back to the human world.
Miyazaki wrote the script after he decided the film would be based on his friend's ten-year-old daughter, who came to visit his house every summer. Production of Spirited Away began in 2000. During production, Miyazaki based the film's settings at a museum in Koganei, Tokyo. However, Miyazaki realized the film would be over three hours and decided to cut out several parts of the story for its release. Pixar director John Lasseter, a fan of Miyazaki, was approached by Walt Disney Pictures to supervise an English-language translation for the film's North American release. Lasseter hired Kirk Wise as director and Donald W. Ernst as producer of the adaptation.
The film overtook Titanic (at the time the top grossing film worldwide) in the Japanese box office to become the highest-grossing film in Japanese history. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards, the Golden Bear at the 2002 Berlin International Film Festival (tied with Bloody Sunday) and is among the top ten in the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14. In 2005, Spirited Away was voted the 8th greatest cartoon in Channel 4's 100 Greatest Cartoons poll behind The Simpsons, Tom and Jerry, South Park, Toy Story, Family Guy, Shrek and The Lion King.

Info from wikipedia.

BTW, am I the only person in the world who don't like Tom and Jerry? ¬¬

BTW, I couldn't find subbed versions, but you can watch it in English here.
Have a nice week :)