Wednesday, October 05, 2011


 The next post is so short, so I'm here again ^^". This anime is not the one I'm watching now but it's on my "best animes ever" list, and I hope you like it.
 Basically, Hetalia: Axis Powers (ヘタリア Axis Powers) is Japanese webcomic, later adapted as a manga and an anime series, by Hidekaz Himaruya where each character represents a different country/Empire/whatever and presents political and historical events.
I love this because it's an easy way to "study" History and because it's the cutest anime I've ever seen *-* and now, lots of pics for you \o/

Ok, not so much pics LOL
Anyway, if you're interested, I used to watch here but now it's dubbed and I prefer subbed (I like the original voices) ^^  but I'm not finding it~  ToT
 Oh well...that's it :T
Take care people
Bye o/


  1. I actually enjoy both. The dubs help me when it comes to writing accents. Otherwise, everyone sounds the same. :p It's a practice for me. (I don't have any Hetalia fanfiction up just yet but you can find me at as Dragonfly-Moonlight.)

    1. Oh well, I need the subbed version because my English sucks and it's hard for me to understand what they say haha I added you to my favorite authors :3
