Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Hey people :D
 Today I won't talk about music. OK? ^-^
One of my best friends told me to watch an anime called No. 6, and I've been procrastinating for months XD but then I decided to watch, and it's amazing *-* (actually, I'm looking for the 3rd episode right now, because the website where I was watching didn't have this one, so I don't know much :S but the first 2 episodes were amazing)
 The anime is about tat guy called Shion, who lives in an "ideal city" called No.6. On his 12th bday, he gives shelter to another boy, who only gives his name as 'Nezumi' (Meaning mouse or Rat), but, on the next morning, Nezumi had left.Four years later, Shion experiences a spate of incidents in which a deadly infection by parasitic bees leaves its victims to age rapidly. Shion's co-worker is one of the victims and Shion is arrested on suspicion of murder. While he's being transported to the Correctional Institute, Nezumi appeared to rescue him. Shion begins to find out the hidden truth behind the "ideal" city.


That's it, I hope you like it :3 (at least the first 2 episodes LOL) 
 If you want, the official website is: http://www.no-6.jp/#/main/ :3
Take care
Bye o/
P.S.: Kelly (my friend) says: NEZUMI IS MINE! :D


  1. Oh yeah,he's mine :3
    awesome post,Carol-chan :D now go watch it :u
